How to Become a Council Director

Are you interested in becoming a COA Director? Learn about the COA’s Board of Directors, position criteria, anticipated time commitment, and how to apply

Board Composition

The COA Board consists of twelve elected directors. They are comprised of six CRNA Educators, two CRNA Practitioners, one Health Care Administrator, one University Administrator, two Public Directors and one Student Director who is currently enrolled and actively engaged in an accredited nurse anesthesia program.

Meetings, Nominations, Terms of Office, and Elections

The COA meets three times per year (3-day sessions) for deliberation of accreditation and other program-related decisions as well as a variety of policy-related issues.  The COA typically seeks nominations for open director positions in February/March.  Open positions are posted on the COA website.

Candidates must be available to attend three-day meetings, held in January (virtual), May, and October, in addition to an orientation day for new directors in October just prior to the October meeting.  The May and October meetings are held at the COA’s office in Rosemont, IL.  The term of office for a director is three years. The individual(s) elected are eligible for reelection for an additional three-year term.  The term of office for the Student Director is one year; the Student Director is not eligible to be reelected for an additional term.  Elections are typically held at the spring meeting.  Terms for all directors begin and end in October.  COA directors are reimbursed for meeting expenses.

Time Commitment

In preparation for the required meetings, directors are assigned to workgroups to review programs’ applications and responses.  The workgroups meet via conference call prior to each COA meeting. Directors also are required to review business materials; directors should plan on spending 10–16 hours reviewing materials prior to each meeting. 

Each director also should expect to be assigned to several COA committees/subcommittees (two to four). Committees meet by periodic conference call and have material to review pertinent to the committee responsibilities.  There are normally several committee and full COA conference calls throughout the year. Committee calls range from three to six times per year, depending on the committee charges.  Full COA conference calls usually are scheduled during regular business hours (8 am – 4 pm Central time).  Although the COA makes every effort to avoid evening calls, on occasion there may be an evening committee call, primarily to accommodate the CRNA Practitioner Directors’ schedules.

Applicants are required to meet the position criteria. The COA Board tries to have a geographic distribution of directors, which is dependent on the applications received. Candidates located in states that are already represented on the COA can still apply.

Below are the required criteria for each COA Director position:

CRNA Educator Director

  • Holds one or more graduate degrees from an institution or institutions of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting agency.
  • Holds certification or recertification as a nurse anesthetist.
  • Has current experience as an educator and/or administrator in a nurse anesthesia education program.
  • Successfully completed the Council’s accreditation process through self-evaluation and onsite review.
  • Is actively involved in the profession, as evidenced by activities such as:
    • Attendance at the Assembly of Didactic and Clinical Educators.
    • Attendance at professional nurse anesthesia meetings.
    • Completion of professional anesthesia continuing education offerings.
    • Election or appointment to a position in professional nurse anesthesia organizations.
  • One CRNA educator position must be a CRNA program administrator.

CRNA Practitioner Director

  • Holds one or more graduate degrees from an institution or institutions of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting agency.
  • Holds certification or recertification as a nurse anesthetist.
  • Has current experience as CRNA practitioner.
  • Is actively involved in the profession, as evidenced by activities such as:
    • Attendance at professional nurse anesthesia meetings.
    • Completion of professional anesthesia continuing education offerings.
    • Election or appointment to a position in professional nurse anesthesia organizations.
  • One CRNA practitioner member must have no significant association with a school of nurse anesthesia.

Healthcare Administrator

  • Holds one or more graduate degrees from an institution or institutions of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting agency.
  • Shows evidence of current involvement in a healthcare administration setting and direct interaction with a program of nurse anesthesia.
  • Does not have a direct reporting relationship with a current CRNA director on the Council.

University Administrator Director

  • Holds one or more graduate degrees from an institution or institutions of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting agency.
  • Has direct or indirect line authority or active involvement in a nurse anesthesia program.
  • Currently serves as an academic officer for a university.
  • Shows evidence of experience with writing self-studies and
  • participating in university accreditation.

Public Director

  • Preferably holds one or more graduate degrees from an institution or institutions of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting agency.
  • Is able to represent the consumer’s perspective and to act as an advocate for the public’s interest within the context of Council activities.
  • Demonstrates active involvement in his/her chosen profession and/or community service.
  • Is not a current or former member of any healthcare profession providing direct patient care.
  • Demonstrates no direct professional relationship with any of the schools or programs that the Council on Accreditation reviews.

Student Director

The student director is selected from students enrolled in accredited nurse anesthesia educational programs located in specific regions as identified in the AANA bylaws.  A different region is represented each year. The regions are listed on the AANA’s website at

The student functions as a full member of the Council, except that the student cannot vote.  All expenses incurred in service to this body are reimbursed with the understanding that regular attendance at all meetings is of utmost importance. 

The COA contacts all programs in the identified region each year to suggest that the student body of each program nominate one student who they feel can best represent nurse anesthesia students throughout the country. Of note, students whose program administrator or other program faculty is a current COA director cannot apply.

The Student Director:

  • Maintains good standing in an accredited nurse anesthesia education program with a minimum grade average of B.
  • Has completed the first year of study by the time the director’s term begins.
  • Demonstrates active professional involvement.
  • Must be a student throughout the COA appointment period of one year.
  • Is not eligible for appointment if the student’s program administrator or other program faculty is a current COA director.

Nominations are accepted only when there are open director positions. A notice will be posted on the COA website.

Nominations for directors, other than the student, require:

  • Signed Letter of Intent to Serve (Include comments on your association with an accredited nurse anesthesia program, if any, as well as a statement of your commitment to the COA’s Values. The COA’s Values are listed on the “About COA” webpage.)  
  • Signed Letter of Recommendation 
  • Current Curriculum Vitae (Resume) 
  • Biographical Form

The Student Nomination must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a letter of intent to serve from the student as well as a letter of support from the director of the nurse anesthesia educational program in which the student is enrolled. The letter:

  1. should identify the candidate’s qualities, characteristics and experiences that make them a candidate for membership on the Council.  Demonstration of past and/or present active professional involvement is required.
  • should verify that the candidate is a student in good standing with a didactic and practicum achievement of “B” or better in an accredited nurse anesthesia education program.

Nominations and appropriate supporting material must be submitted to the Council office by the deadline, typically in March.  All nominations are reviewed, and a decision is made at the spring COA meeting. 

Only Complete applications will be considered.