The Council on Accreditation publishes the List of Accredited Educational Programs to inform the public, other agencies and prospective students about the accreditation status of each program. Program contacts may change, for the most up to date contact information, please visit the CRNA School Search page.
A definition of each accreditation action follows:
Accreditation signifies that programs have successfully completed the accreditation process. Accreditation may be awarded for periods of two to ten years.
Probation signifies serious deficiencies that jeopardize the quality of the educational process. Examples are the failure of a program to respond by the specified date to a summary report which identifies serious deficiencies or failure to submit a self study or a progress report by the due date.
Revocation of accreditation signifies a program does not present sufficient evidence of educational quality nor intent to comply with the standards and criteria.
Additional information including the accreditation status of all nurse anesthesia programs can be found on the List of Accredited Educational Programs and on CRNA School Search.